Why Hire a DWI Attorney for Your Case?

by | Aug 19, 2020

Why Hire a DWI Attorney?

Drunk or impaired driving receives a lot of attention in the US and many other parts of the world because it can easily cause fatal accidents and serious injuries. If charged with a drunk-driving offense, you may find yourself facing penalties including jail or prison time along with expensive court fines and fees. If you’ve been charged with a DWI in Minnesota, you’ll need the expertise of a DWI attorney to review your case and provide you with accurate advice of counsel. A good DWI lawyer will have extensive experience with court proceedings and can help you mitigate the impacts of a DWI conviction on your permanent record, your driver’s license status, and your bank account.

What does a DWI Usually Look Like?

Most people are pulled over when they are charged with a DWI. In order to stop your vehicle, arresting officers first have to reasonable articulable suspicion to justify the stop. In Minnesota, reasonable suspicion can be established in a number of ways, including an equipment violation (i.e. a broken taillight), failure to stop or yield for signage or other vehicles, weaving, crossing the centerline, speeding, or expired tabs. Generally, all it takes is a violation of a Minnesota equipment or traffic law. Once an officer has determined that he or she has reasonable suspicion to stop a vehicle, they will then approach the driver and speak with them. If they gather an indication that the driver is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, they will then perform various tests to ascertain whether or not the driver is safe to operate the vehicle. If they determine that a driver is indeed intoxicated, based on field sobriety tests, a breath test, or even a blood draw obtained by warrant after the stop, they will most likely arrest the driver and take him or her into custody. At this point, the arrested individual will be given an opportunity to consult with a DWI attorney, and should certainly do so while otherwise not making any statements to the police above and beyond identifying yourself.

What should you look for in a DWI attorney for your case?


1. Experience & Expertise

Look for an experienced DWI attorney who has handled hundreds of cases in your jurisdiction. Don’t hesitate to ask about past successes in defending against DWI charges – an experienced DWI attorney will be able to give you many examples of how he or she got charges reduced or even dismissed for clients, and/or helped clients to avoid jail time and expensive fines. A qualified defense attorney will be familiar with your Constitutional rights and their application in your case as well as the specific practices in the jurisdiction where you are charged. Hiring an attorney who is able to analyze the evidence in your case and determine if any mistakes were made by the arresting officer(s) that should be challenged in court can fundamentally change the result in your criminal case.

2. Case preparation

There are various things that an experienced attorney will do in preparation for the case. The lawyer will obtain and carefully review all the available evidence, including police reports, squad videos, body camera videos, witness statements, and photographs. The attorney will then be able to determine if there are any issues that can be challenged in court with regard to the equipment used for alcohol testing or the procedures used by officers in investigating your case. A qualified DWI attorney will also challenge the Implied Consent (civil driver’s license case) and work to get your driving privileges reinstated as quickly and as easily as possible.

3. Better outcomes

Having an attorney handle your case increases your chances of reducing or eliminating the worst of the impacts a DWI can have on your record, your life, your driving privileges, and your bank account. An experienced defense attorney will have established relationships with local prosecutors and be able to negotiate a favorable plea agreement on your behalf. If your case has issues that need to be litigated or if the matter goes to trial, a good DWI lawyer will have extensive experience navigating your local court system’s personnel and procedures, as well as an ability to successfully assert your rights in court.

In many DWI cases, defendants are also facing other charges (like equipment violations, speeding, failure to provide proof of insurance, refusal to provide a breath test, etc.) that can further complicate your case. There are also a number of reasons why a DWI case may be charged at a higher level or carry mandatory consequences. A skilled attorney can work to have these accompanying charges reduced or dismissed, which can mean less jail time, lower fines, and fewer convictions on your permanent record.

Final Thoughts

Hiring an experienced attorney for your DWI case can help to mitigate the impacts of a conviction on your record and your life. The good defense attorney will prepare you for court proceedings, gather and review all the relevant evidence, and negotiate with prosecutors and judges to ensure the most favorable outcomes.

We can help. Contact us to begin discussing your case.

Minneapolis Office

310 Fourth Avenue S #7000
Minneapolis, MN 55415
(612) 730-1738

St Paul Office

656 Selby Avenue Suite 230
St. Paul, MN 55104
(651) 785-5342

Copyright © 2020, Josh Johnson Attorney at Law

Why Hire a DWI Attorney for Your Case?
Article Name
Why Hire a DWI Attorney for Your Case?
If you’ve been charged with a DWI in Minnesota, you'll need the expertise of a DWI attorney to review your case and provide you with accurate advice of counsel.
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The Law Offices of Josh Johnson
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